Rounding Third Leadership Blog #30: Race to Social Justice Podcast…Courageous Conversations

I am pleased to announce EPISODE SEVEN of The Race to Social Justice Podcast series produced with my colleague, Keva White. Our podcasts feature “courageous conversations” about race and social justice. You can listen to the podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Soundcloud or watch AND listen on YouTube (links below). While you’re here, we’d love for you to subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Ana Pujols McKee, M.D., a nationally-prominent physician executive whose Puerto Rican parents cherished her as a person of color, and The Honorable Theodore (“Ted”) McKee, a Black Chief Judge of the federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals, share how their education and career paths overcame discriminatory obstacles and how discriminatory practices continue to impact their professions.

Finally, if you are enjoying these podcasts, please consider subscribing to our YouTube Channel and forwarding this email along to friends and colleagues you think might enjoy these conversations.