Client Engagement Criteria

FMA’s services are provided on behalf of non-profit organizations (including charities, foundations and faith-based organizations) which are: a) located in, or within a reasonable driving distance of, the Delaware Valley; and b) credible, taking into account track record, management ability, capacity to pay and philosophical compatibility (with narrow exceptions for-profit organizations where the engagement will advance a worthy charitable purpose).

Fee Guidelines – Fixed Fee and Hourly Alternatives

Social Service Organizations

  • Fee For Service:  $150 per hour discounted to $75 per hour in some cases

  • Daily Fee:   $750 per day (based upon a minimum number of days where on-site work is primarily needed)

  • Flat Fee:  Based upon discounted fee and 110% of estimated committed number of hours or days of work

Healthcare Organizations

  • Fee For Service:  $400 per hour discounted to $250 per hour

  • Daily Fee:  $1,600 per day (based upon a minimum number of days where on-site work is primarily needed)

  • Flat Fee: Based upon discounted fee and 110% of estimated committed number of hours or days of work

Life Coaching - Individuals

  • Flat Fee: $1,600 (four, two-hour personalized sessions including prep time, tools and materials)

Other Considerations

Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed at cost.  Generally, travel time within Southeastern Pennsylvania will not be billed under hourly fee arrangements unless work is performed during travel.