Rounding Third Leadership Blog #28: Race to Social Justice Podcast…Courageous Conversations

I am pleased to announce EPISODE FIVE of The Race to Social Justice Podcast series produced with my colleague, Keva White.  Our hour-long podcasts are “courageous conversations” about race and social justice.  Our guests are personal, honest, authentic and compelling. You can listen to the podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Soundcloud or watch AND listen on YouTube (links below). 


In this episode, we interview Sha Alheem, a singer/songwriter from Houston. “Goldie Pipes”, as he is called, describes how his rich music repertoire and varied style has deep roots in his family; the gospel, soul, blues and rock music he heard growing up; and slavery and African drumming. Enjoy a few examples from his new album too!