Rounding Third Leadership Blog #26: Race to Social Justice Podcast…Courageous Conversations

I am pleased to announce EPISODE THREE of The Race to Social Justice Podcast series produced with my colleague, Keva White.  Our podcasts, each about an hour long, are “courageous conversations” about race and social justice.  Our interviews with each other and our guests are personal, honest, authentic and, we believe, compelling. You can listen to all the podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Soundcloud or watch AND listen on YouTube


In this episode, we talk to Tim Massaquoi, a retired NFL player and founding social worker at KIPP High School in Camden, NJ, about his race experiences growing in a Black environment in Newark, NJ and a White environment in Allentown, PA and as an elite athlete and professional counselor to traumatized youth.